Sebastian Büttner

For my customers I worked everywhere in the data-flow from the circuit board to the high-level Dashboard. Enthusiast Unix User. Projects where reliability and performance are key always get my attention. Highly interested in a decent User Experience

AWS Certified developer badge

Solution and Software Architecture

for reliable and cost-efficient systems. In the cloud or preferred other landscapes

Backend development

with golang and python


Freelance Software Engineer

Nola Ventures

Through nola ventures I am available as a freelancer to support with data integrations for (but not only) IoT, general IoT challenges and finally all things microservices, containers and serverless. I can be booked from a daily basis to multi-month projects.

Freelance Solution Architect and Developer

Exaris Solutions GmbH

Exaris Solutions supports companies in the health and pharma sector with insights and data enrichment of their groups of interest of doctors, hospitals etc. With their data-driven business model they are heavily relying on big data technologies. I helped them setting up and improving their infrastructure on AWS and finding cost-effective solutions for their business needs. Throughout the projects with them I used a lot of VPC networking, EC2 and Lambda with AWS SAM of course, both EKS (Kubernetes on AWS) and ECS, IAM, cognito, SQS and of course this list is not exhaustive. Infrastructure as Code was used, or not used on a per case situation, we began with cloudformation and moved to terraform lateron. Development on Lambda was done in python as per customers preference.

Q1 2023 - Q4 2023

Freelance Solution Architect and Developer

Protectsys GmbH - ILD Group

I supported Protectsys GmbH with moving from a custom developed IoT solution to a standart product they decided to move to. I helped them with the architecture and how they can integrate their measurement data from sensor-devices all over europe. To fill gaps I implemented two microservices for them. One written in python to transcode binary encoded data to json. Another microservice written in golang to integrate weather data into their system and create alarm on upcoming weather events.

Q2 2022 - Q4 2022

Product Owner

Cumulocity IoT by Software AG

Guiding the product development to create a product with a great UX and real value for users. As Product Owner, I brought my field experience to the developer team. I managed the development tasks in the backlog and organized implementation preparation. I was one of the major contact persons for customers and partners to evaluate their needs and connect them with the development. Also set up the GitHub project structure for the open source project, as just one thing to mention. In general, I gained a lot of knowledge about open-source and what challenges companies starting open-source projects are facing.
My main tasks were not coding in this position, but still, I got some insights into Rust and what it means to code in Rust.
Discussing with very experienced and knowledgeable colleagues in my team, I learned very much about software architecture, memory-optimized, efficient and resilient code. I enjoyed these topics and loved working in this area that seems to be underrated very often today.

2020 - 2022

IoT Solution Architect

Software AG

Experienced the broad Use Cases in the IoT-Segment. Working many hours with the c8y Thick Edge(proprietary Linux-based VM for edge use-cases). Projects in all industries where IoT matters.
With this broad field of IoT, I also implemented quite a number of PoC Microservices and device agents. The majority of work was done in python, golang and spring boot here.

2018 - 2020

Embedded System Developer

Baumtec GmbH

Developing a Linux image for lighting controller boards. Integrated proprietary Software Components into a custom-fitted Linux distro. This was one of my first professional experiences with Linux, my interest and preference for working with Unix systems remained until today. Working with Linux and usually being one of the more experienced with it, accompanied my career ever since.

2014 - 2014


Bachelor Computer Science

University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
Cooperative Study program, half time at University and half time working for Software AG in the Research department. About 3 years on "enera", a project about metering and controlling the electrical grid of the future.
Beginning with this project, I am very interested in all topics about energy grid projects. By the time we worked with java for the majority of topics, some minor python was also used.
2014 - 2018

Apprenticeship System Informatics Technician

Bosch Security Systems GmbH
Working and learning on the edge between electronics and computer science. Gained knowledge from soldering circuit boards, up to the industrial protocols connecting them. From this apprenticeship I do know how sensoring and devices in the field work. Also I experienced what it means installing the sensors that are producing the data for IoT use-cases. From this time I also do know how much effort it can be to exchange a device or to find failures in on-site systems.
2009 - 2013


Transcoder Microservice

Protectsys GmbH

Protectsys wanted to connect their sensor devices to their new IoT Platform of Choice Cumulocity IoT. The sensors are sending data in a proprietary binary format and base64 encoded. To make the IoT platform understand the data it needs to be transcoded to a specific JSON format. The developed microservice provides a secured REST endpoint for authorized devices to send their data. Additionally, the microservice handles some more complicated tasks before creating JSON measurements in the platform:

  • Check if the device is already created in the IoT Platform and create if not.
  • Manage registration with the related end customer.
  • Easily accessible warnings, for devices that are sending data that are not registered with the platform and not related to a end customer. Therefore warning of possible lost data.

#python #microservice #api


Weather alarming

Protectsys GmbH

Protectsys wanted to offer a service to their customers where they get warned in case there are stronger winds or precipitation forecasted in the next couple of days. I built a microservice that fetches the relevant positions from their IoT Platform. For each position, a forecast is fetched from the OpenWeatherMap API. Each forecast is then checked again a threshold that was discussed with Protectsys. In the case of an exceeded wind or precipitation threshold, an alarm is generated on the IoT platform and the end customers also do get a warning email with the date and the forecasted numbers.

#golang #microservice



Programming Languages & Tools
  • C8Y
  • MQTT
  • REST

Interests during my free time

I am an aspiring chef and enjoy eating authentic food. I always like to explore new technologies and I am always interested in new stuff.

From 2021 on I do own a sailing boat together with my girlfriend. That said vacations often are for maintaining the boat.
Since spring 2022 we live on our sailboat, travel the med and work remotely.